I've been going through eThaiMusic's list of songs. I used to have trouble following along; now I'm pretty fluent (with the script, *not* comprehension.) The majority of the songs are bad love songs, but the upshot is they use a simple vocabulary and I am able to comprehend bits without much effort. Mostly though I'm concerned with tuning my ear to the spoken language. When I listen to colloquial Thai it's pretty opaque, which is really annoying.
Also a friend tuned me into Crunchy Roll, which has Thai movies with English subtitles. I'd only seen a few (6ixtynin9, Tears of the Black Tiger) through Netflix's paltry online selection, but they are damn helpful.
Also been trying to reach out and be more active online. I am currently in conversation with a girl from Bangkok, we're going to try some language exchange. I really have no clue how it will work, but it should be fun.
Still at the grammar and reading Doraemon. Read an entire story in one sitting today. But I've been so bad about studying vocab. I'm absorbing a trickle but really I need to get serious and learn some words.
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